Thursday, September 14, 2006

Don't have time for a real post tonight...

23:41 CEST, 5:41 PM EST - Ho-k, so, I really don't have time to do a real post, but I'll give you a quick update and a movie that you might like. We saw a chapel last night (amazing) and went to the Basilica today. We have an amazing art history teacher that knows everything and she is awesome to have as a guide! But I have a test tomorrow and I have been screwing around all day so I need to be on my way, but here is a movie that we took yesterday from the window of our classroom. Hope you enjoy.
OK I'll write after the test tomorrow, it's supposed to be rainy here alll week. Boooo!


Anonymous said...

Buona Mattina Stephen - È Venerdì! In primo luogo, lascilo dire quanto allineare abbiamo goduto i vostri aggiornamenti del blog. Sono impressionato che lo avete mantenuto in su. Tutti godiamo l'udienza circa le vostre avventure e vedere le immagini che avete inviato. È non sembra che siate troppo homesick poiché continuiamo a leggere sui vostri molti amici di ragazza, sui ristoranti operati, sui discos e sui gelatos dappertutto. Particurlarly gradisco la storia dell'investimento che creativo avete fatto nell'acquisto della bici. Le immagini che avete aggiunto sono meravigliose, in modo da continui a aggiungere più immagini. Realmente permette che noi visualizziamo dove siete e vediamo la bellezza dell'Italia. Saremo ansiosi sentirsi quanto duro deve imparare in italiano quando i vostri codici categoria italiani reali cominciano in alcune settimane. Studio duro - e naturalmente, continui ad avere divertimento. Il vostro tempo in Italia andrà così velocemente. Dica prego a Christina ch'abbiamo detto ciao e diale un hug per noi. Ed ora lascerò tutto in un segreto di divertimento - no, non ho preso un corso di arresto in italiano, ma piuttosto ho usato il seguente Web site per tradurre le mie parole in italiano. Controllilo fuori!! È impressionante. Arrivederci per ora, Amore, Dad

And now I will let everyone in a fun secret - No, I did not take a crash course in Italian, but rather I used the following web site to translate my words in Italian.

Check it out - It's absolutely awesome!

Anonymous said...

OK - For those of you who did not go to the web site, here are my original words I wrote in English. And then you will read the translated version - wow! it really translates your words literally.

Good Morning Stephen - It's Friday!

First, let me say how much we have truly enjoyed reading your blog. You have done a great job in keeping us updated. We all enjoy reading about your adventures and seeing the pictures that you have posted.

It does not appear that you are too homesick after reading about your many girl friends, fancy restaurants, discos and gelatos everywhere. I particularly enjoyed reading about the creative investment you made in the purchase of a bike.

The pictures you have provided are wonderful, so keep adding more pictures. They really allow us to visualize where you are and see the beauty of Italy.

We will be anxious to hear how difficult the Italian language is once your real Italian classes begin.

Study hard, and of course have fun. Your time in Italy will go so fast.

Please tell Christina we said Hi and give her a hug for us.

And now I will let everyone in a fun secret - No, I did not take a crash course in Italian, but rather I used the following web site to translate my words in Italian.

Goodbye for now, Love Dad

And now for the Italian translation:
Good Stephen Morning - It is Friday! In the first place, lascilo to say how much to align we have enjoyed your modernizations the blog. They are made an impression that you have maintained it in on. All we enjoy the audience approximately your adventures and to see the images that you have sended. It is does not seem that you are too much homesick since we continue to read on yours many friends of girl, on the restaurants operates to you, on the discos and the gelatos everywhere. Particurlarly I appreciate the history of the investment that creative you have made in the purchase of the bici. The images that you have added are wonderful, so as to it continues to add more images. Really it allows that we visualize where you are and see the beauty of Italy. We will be expectant to feel how much hard one must learn in Italian when your real Italian codes category begin in some weeks. Hard study - and naturally, it continues to having divertimento. A your time in Italy will go fastly therefore. It says I pray to Christina ch' we have said hello and gives them a hug for we. And hour lascerò all in a divertimento secret - not, I have not taken a course of arrest in Italian, but rather I have used the following Web site in order translate my words in Italian. Controllilo outside!! It is impressive. Good bye for hour, Love, Dad

Schragoo said...

Haha thanks pops. I think it's a good idea to stay with English. I'll teach you some Italiano over Christmas, deal?

Danny said...

you missed a pretty darn good separation saturday, Steve. your boys as well as mine played good-I give credit to michigan, although brady quinn played horrible to your advantage. the tigers won, but so did the twins, so it's still 2 games. Plus, now iTunes is releasing movies and iPod games (tetris) on the music store. I'm thinking about buying remember the titans, and/or toy story. So, that's what's happening here!

Anonymous said...


Well, I haven't had a chance to read your blog recently so I had some catching up to do. I am loving your comments. Especially the ones where you are all over the place like a stream of conciousness {ie Thoughts on Provado}. It makes me feel as if you are really giving us a true account of your everyday life. Keep it up.

Now about your bike. I am not here to lecture you on purchasing previously stolen merchandise, however, perhaps you should consider not locking it up. This way, that the next time a world traveller is in need he or she may be able to find your shady friends and purchase a mode of transportation also. Circle of life and all that. Just a thought.

Now, I have to tell you I was impressed with you knowing it was me yesterday at Grandma's even that late at night and toasted and all. Nice. By the way, you made Grandpa's day by calling him. He watched or listened to the game all day since you could not be here and was intent on really figuring out everything that was going on. Not bad for a blind guy who is hard of hearing and hates all sports. Unfortunately, I was there with him and assisting him in this process, and had to endure the pain of their stellar win. Even more painful since we are to play Notre Dame next week and now they will have to prove themselves more.

Speaking of Gramps, I just have to say that I am very happy that you chose to follow in his footsteps by attending his alma mater. I know I give you crap all the time {and will continue to do so} but I am proud and know that it honors him more than he will admit. I still, however, think that saying "Hail" in a fight song is blasphemous {sp?}, and just plain stupid.

Okay, that's all for now. We all miss and love you,
Ciao, Aunt chris

ps John if you read this, nice posting and website info.

Anonymous said...

I hope Aunt Chris gets used to getting excited about Michigan Football victories, because there are many more where that came from...GO BLUE! Anyway, I agree that you're doing a great job keeping up with the blog. Good work.