Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Unreal. Congrats Tigs and Twins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sorry for not replying sooner and keeping you up-to-date on the Detroit Sports scene. I have been a little under the weather as well as running around subbing and getting JD and Meg to/from sports activities (I know your folks can relate!!!).

Well, your posts have been fantastic and I have really enjoyed your perspective on the culture and activities that you have been experiencing!!! We are all intrigue and continually check for and look forward to your next post!! It seems a little like a new season of TV and we are getting STEVO -- REALITY BLOG! Just keep reminding yourself that the experiences you are having and the memories you are creating will far out live any game score that happens while you are gone (although the Tigs making the playoffs and if they were to win the World Series -- well then....?)

We will be looking for your wine expertise upon your return. You will have to point us to some good wines and what the locals drink -- probably a good Napa Valley Merlot or Cab (ha, ha:))

Now on to your sports update --

YES, the Chisox defense is over and so the Tigs are in the playoffs while the Twins wrapped the playoffs up as well last night. This is the first time that the AL Central has provided the Wild Card. The Tigs still have not shaken the Twins for the Division or the best record in baseball. They are still battling for those honors. Remember if they were get the best record then they would have Comerica Park advantage throughout the playoffs. They will finish off with 6 games at the COPA (3 with Toronto and 3 with KC). GO TIGERS!!! BLESS YOU BOYS!!!

As for the weekend in football, good games but unfortunately for MSU (as you said same ol' STATE) John L. decided to have his team only play the first half. ND is not a good football team (as evidenced by their loss to that other team from Michigan -- just had to provide you a little dig). ND has no team speed and if MSU would have continued the spread in the second half they could have scored 60 against the Domers.

Yes, your Wolverines got a good home win against the Badgers. And now they are off to Minnesota to try to take back the "Little Brown Jug" that they GAVE to Minnesota last year. I am still not sold on Michigan as they are at one big disadvantage -- Lloyd Carr (although this does not appear to be as big a disadvantage as MSU has with John L. -- I think he tips a "Little Brown Jug" of his own too many times.)

One small side note, do you know where Michigan got its nickname as the Wolverine state? Why would Michigan allow Ohioans to choose their nickname? This does not make any sense -- but again that seems to be just like the midwest sort of like having 11 teams in the Big 10 conference.

On even a smaller side note -- the Lions lost again and have started the season 0-3.

Hey what was the European take on the Ryder Cup thrashing of the Americans, AGAIN?

I will try to keep you updated relative to the Tigs and their quest for the Division Title and the best record. Until then!!!


Uncle Bruin