22:39 CEST, 4:39PM EST - And so it begins. School started today and the classes are ok. Our teachers decided to give us a reading that is tough for any Italian, let alone foreigners trying to learn the darn language. Right now I am supposed to writing an essay for tomorrow but I decided to write this instead. Yesterday was a pretty good day, I was able to chill in my room and do some homework and I went and took a look at the dorm I was assigned to. It is definitely nowhere I want to live, so I need to step up my apartment search. I went and saw an apartment today and it looked pretty decent but it was kinda small and I would be sleeping in the family/kitchen. I don't think I'm feeling that so I am supposed to call another guy tomorrow and try to see another place. Otherwise I need to go back and find some more places to call!
Church at the Basilica di San Antonio was unbelievable. The Basilica was so big and it was covered in art from top to bottom. There was a mass pretty much every hour on the hour and people were just walking around the church like there wasn't a mass going on. It was different for us, but we moved up to the front of the Church and I didn't even notice the other people walking through there really. It was kind of cool because I know the Order of the Mass from home and it was pretty much the same style but in Italian so I think I picked up on a few words, I just need to learn the Our Father now and I'm set!
Well today was Labor Day for the US but there was no such luck here. Oh well. Tomorrow should be another good day, so far the weather here has been unbelievable... a perfect temperature and sunny. It's beautiful.
Thank you everyone who has commented and kept me updated about happenings at home. Keep them comin' (squi, uncle bruin, slick).
Well I should probably get goin on this paper I'm supposed to be writing, but I have uploaded some pictures (not many) but I think I am going to post them to this site so if I do I hope you enjoy! A domani!
Hey Steve,
Excellent website. Love all of your postings. Is it beautiful there or is it just me? Ahhh -- maybe someday I'll get to see it live and in person.
I'll be saying a little prayer to hope you do not have to live in a kitchen for the next year. That could be interesting. I think you'll breach the language barrier and find a place to stay, though. Good Luck.
Can't wait to find out more about your adventure. {How cool is it that you are on such an adventure?} Remember, wine attache.
Ciao, Bello and Sparty On.
Love and peace, Aunt Chris
Dear Stephen;
Do you know what? Daddy is wearing a Pudge Rodriguez shirt-- number 7!!
Your mom and dad and Danny were over at my house today, and we ate ribs and chicken from Chicken Shack- it was delicious.
We miss you-- have lots of fun in Italy.
Hey Steve,
I'm very impressed that you've kept up on this blog website for a week now.. keep it up, it's fun to be able to hear from you because calling is hard to find the right times.
I bought a webcam finally so you'll have to teach me how to connect it so that I can talk and see your lovely face!!
hope all is well, i'll be calling you tomorrow sometime---
with love from your favorite and only sister :)
Hi Steve!
We are excited to track you over this next year. Spencer and Ava want to learn all abot Italy. They have lots to learn!! Keep us posted!
Amber, Matt, Spencer and Ava
Great pictures!!! Sounds like quite the experience at Mass. Do they say the prayers like "Our Father" in Italian or Latin?
Good luck finding a place. What are they getting for a Family/Kitchen room now a days? I remember my roommate and I during the 1984 Olympics in LA rented out our dining room to a couple of women from New Orleans for a nominal rent of $650/month. (We first rented it to two film students from Yale -- Yaliens we called then -- but they did not like the fact that we did not provide linens).
Well, the Tigers starting pitching has been fantastic lately -- hopefully there hitting can start to fire up. They lost on ESPN Sunday night baseball 2-1 to the LA Angels but rebounded for a 6-2 win over the Mariners yesterday. Chicago lost so they are 5.5 up.
Your Wolverines welcome your parents' powerhouse dynasty Chips to the big house this weekend -- you gotta love how Michigan schedules such strong opponents to ready themselves for the brutal Big Eleven schedule (I know, I know the Big Ten just has caught on to that academic challenge of counting yet -- ha, ha:) (MSU has also schedule a tough opponent in Eastern Michigan to visit East Lansing)
I hope your paper goes well. I cannot not imagine the difficulty of reading novels and writing essays in a foriegn language -- reading and writing in English was bad enough!!! GOOD LUCK!!! We all wish you the BEST!!!
The kids started school today and are just getting home from a half day. They said to say Ciao!!! They are also saying that they arer hungry and want lunch -- so manja, manja!!
Take care,
Uncle Bruin
Yo Yo Yo Steve-O....
Good work on the updates. We should start a companion game - where in Italia is Steve - so we can track you over the coming months.
And sleeping in a tiny apartment isn't bad - I did it in the ghetto of lovely Cincinnati for six months back in the day. Ah yes. Tiny apartments make you get out more :)
As the Germans say - Ciao.
Hi Steve, I enjoy reading your blog. Good luck with the apartment hunting. As long as your place is clean, who cares if you sleep in the kitchen--closer to the food. Sure makes one appreciate the small creaure comforts.
Have fun reading and writing your paper. Makes my head spin just thinking about it.
Gonna watch the Tiger's tonight. Hopefully they won't make me tense.
Buonanotte, Bonnie
Definitly gotta keep this site up. zolik was asking about you, and i don't think zanotti knows, but I'll give them both your link. By the way-try to get an apartment bigger than a kitchen because I don't want to have to sleep in the oven or anything when I get there. talk to you soon,
stay classy, and thanks for stopping by! :)
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