Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's about time.

7:14 PM CEST, 1:15 PM EST - Hey all, I think this one should be a long one as a lot has happened this week.
We have been going to a bunch of different places this week, a lot of history and a lot of school work. They have us going to school for about 6-7 hours each day and then about 3 hours of homework. It hasn't been much fun. However we have managed our own fun.
Monday we celebrated Melanie's 21st birthday American style. We bought some American adult beverages (including Coca-Cola) and we decked out my room for her with our American peace flag (thanks Aunt Chris) a Michigan flag and some surfing pictures out of Dave's calendar. It was awesome. Next day, not so much fun.
We have pretty much stayed in the last couple of days however I have gotten some stuff done. Firstly, I have keys to my new apartment! I am anxious to move in, I think I am going to move in tomorrow. I went out to have a spritz (a drink that originated in Padova) with my new roommates, they seem really cool. I am excited, however it is definately going to be an experience haha listen to this... They told me yesterday that I only have it until March so I'm going to need to try and find another apartment then. no big deal. Then they said that the landlady doesn't know I am going to be staying there because I am taking the place of a girl that is going to France for the year AND she thinks that one of their friends is living there and is a twin because the place is supposed to be rented to girls only apparently. haha but there are two guys in there as well so Mom don't worry. Oh, and Mom, yes I know I have grammar errors, and I'm sorry if they really bug you, but I am trying to make this as authentic as possible and this is who I am, soo... sorry? deal.
Oh and the quote of the week goes to Christina who actually said, and I quote, "I think I might be a little high-maintenance" end-quote, today. I got a kick out of it. Not that I think she is high maintenance or anything.
I have just been watching a bunch of highlights from last weeks football game vs Notre Dame (entitled "Brady Quinn for Heisman") and some clips from last year's Penn State game which Danny I'm sure remembers. Also they had this one:
Which I am sure is going to make anyone who loves UM swell with pride and anyone who doesn't, puke.
This week in Padova has been the end of Finals for a bunch of students and so we have seen some kids graduate. And there has been a lot of graduation celebrations in the center this week. Graduation here is full of tradition so I'll share a little of what I thought was cool:
- Friends and family of the graduate take the graduate to the center of town and make the graduate do absurd things, singing, dancing, whipping them, and inbetween it all handing them drinks - BEVI!
- The friends make a poster for the graduate with ridiculous sayings that they have to read out loud in front of everyone. We saw a nun reading one of the posters today... I was REALLY interested as to what she thought of it.
- They sing a song to the graduate as well that is rather inappropriate, "Dottore! Dottore! Dottore del buco del culo" kids, please don't translate but in short it means: yeah you graduated but, so what, you're still an..."
I'll try to take a picture tomorrow if I see someone getting razzed.
Today we went to the observatory where some old men looked at the stars (I don't think Galileo got his hands on this stuff though). Then Dave and I got a haircut (looks decent) and then I payed for my Oktoberfest trip! Woohoo!
So as you can tell I am having no fun at all, and my next post should be from my new room! Hope all is well!
Love, Stevo
PS - I am a little jealous of my friends going to see DMB tomorrow in c-ville. just a little. oh and the Michigan Daily stinks. k bye.


Anonymous said...


You bring back fond memories -- or is that wishfull memories? Anyway, I seem to remember an old TV series with Tom Hanks called "Bosom Buddies" -- sounds like Stevo could be the new Tom Hanks. Hey, I've gotta run and solve some "bar-coding" issues -- you remember that don't you? Later dude.

Uncle Rick

Anonymous said...


It sounds like a lot is going on.... I haven't talked to you in days. We would love to see some pictures from the graduate razzing. It all sounds so exciting.
I am sorry I couldn't go on your blog last night when you called, but I sure loved it when I got home. I haven't SEEN you in a month. Even with your hat on your hair looked pretty good and you had shaved. I am proud!!
I am anxious for you to get into your new apartment,but a little nervous for you too! (
You never told me if you found your blanket. Did you????)
Make sure you don't forget anything, especially all those important papers. Make sure you know where they ALL are before you leave.
Well I have to run my students are at music and I have to get something done before they come back!

Love you and miss you!!!