Thursday, September 07, 2006

La prima settimana

20:00 CEST, 2:00 PM EST - Hello again! Well I have officially been here for over a week now and the first week of classes is almost over. Tomorrow we have a test and I have actually done some work for it. But this week was full new things... I finally went to Prata della Valle (this beautiful circle with statues and a river around it - check out the link for a picture) and met up with Giulia! She came all the way (about a 45 minute drive)from Verona with her friend Francesca who has never driven outside of Verona. So I was happy they could make the trip. We went to a bar and I introduced them to some of my new Californian friends. It was really great to see her again.
Also this week I think I found an apartment that I will live in! After a few more phone calls I called a number and a girl picked up... after a few minutes of me trying to find where it is she finally said, "Would it be easier if I spoke English?" haha I said probably. So I went and I met up with her and she showed me the place... It is MUCH bigger than the other apartment and is in a great location. Plus I will be living with 4 Italians - two guys, two girls. Three of them speak only Italian, and the girl who I talked to (who oddly enough is also named Francesa) worked in New York this summer so she knows a good deal of English, It seems like a great living situation because I will be forced to learn the language and I will have a big room, even if I am sharing it with someone else.
It's not for sure yet that I have it, but they seem pretty stoked about it and they have to consult with the other girl who won't be in until Monday... I am going to meet her then.
Until then I need to worry about class. We had a professor from the Political Science department come in and speak to us yesterday. He was supposed to talk to 2 hours but he managed to stretch it into 2 and half (this was after a 4 hour class in the morning mind you) and I really think he was preaching to a bunch of ants because if we understood anything it sure wasn't much. I sure need to learn quickly or this semester is going to be really tough. Fortunately I think that the University of California offers two classes for us to take (one grammer and one art) hopefully they are both in the first semester.
Today I got a message slipped under my door telling me (in Italian) that if I didn't clean my room before the maids came to clean they were going to charge me money. At least I think that's what it said. Don't worry Mom, I wasn't the only one to get the letter. But I don't really want them to come clean my room anyways so why should it matter if I have clothes on the ground? Oh well I guess I just better comply... When in Rome...
A domani.


Anonymous said...


It's about time you published another article. We have been waiting since Monday! It was good talking to you via Skype the other night. I'll try not to bother you at midnight next time. Now go back and clean up your room. Later

Uncle Rick

Anonymous said...


Sounds like an eventful week with classes, studies, language and finding a place to live. Hopefully, the apartment situation works out the way you want it. I know that finding a positive comfortable living environment will put you at ease (not to mention the rest of us).

Glad to hear that you were able to see Giulia. Sounds like she is not too far, if she has transportation.

I am not going to comment on the room cleaning as I too have been in college.

Have your other friends (Californians and Michiganders) had much luck in finding a place to live? What's your daily schedule like so far - besides daily room cleaning and midnight calls from Uncle Rick?

We had a nice time on Labor Day at Grams -- but missed you (and your sister -- as well as some of the other out of towners). Your Dad brought over some Bedway Shish-ka-bobs and we grilled out for about twenty of your relatives. Always a good time with family!!!

Now for a little sports update -- the Tigers released Dimitri Young, they say performance related. They are in a terrible slump -- just can't hit and are not able to win series' like they had been. They have a big 4 game series this weekend against the Twins -- in Minnesota. They are currently only
4 games up on the Twins and 4.5 on the White Sox.

Your Michigan team moved into the top 10 and will do battle this weekend against the Chips. Another prep (not high school although it could almost be considered such) for the tougher part of their schedule. The big game however is Saturday night as your arch rivals from #1 Ohio State will face off against the (the team that sent Michigan packing in the Rosebowl two years ago) #2 Texas. Should be a good one -- the best part (especially for you Michigan fans) is that barring a tie -- one of them will lose!!!

We look forward to your post so keep them coming!!!

Take Care,

Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...

Stephen, loved the update on your life in Italy. Ours is dull compared to yours. Fall is beginning to set in. Your Mom and Therese are back at school. Bob continues to spoil me and cooks dinner every night. Then we take a walk. Maxie is slowing down. Next Friday Msgr. Bass is treating your parents and me to dinner at the Lark. That should be fun! Day before Labor day we had 20 hre for dinner plus 4 dogs. Good time had by all but we missed you!!!
much love and many hugs,

Anonymous said...


After the Tigers got a big win last night against Twins (a well pitched game from Verlander), they blew (or was it got blew out) it tonight. Your brothers would probably blame it on Todd Jones (oh but that's right he did not pitch tonight) but Leyland and the left side of the infield did not provide the Tigers much of a chance tonight. Oh well -- 20 games left and they have a 4 game lead -- we will see!!!

Did your apartment negotiations work out the way you wanted?


Uncle Bruin