16:54 CEST, 10:54 EST - Well now that I am beginning to settle in I thought I'd share a few thoughts that I have had so far. At least the ones that I can remember.
1. Everything here is beautiful. I swear, they won't do it unless it looks good. It's really kinda neat but they like to put the extra time in to make whatever they are working on look good. Be it what they wear or their own store, everything looks good. I kinda felt like a bum today walking around the city, but you know what? maybe I am.
2. Their attitudes. A lot of stores are closed in the middle of the day here. It's kind of annoying because when we get out of class pretty much everything is shut down. I was thinking fine, then they won't get my money, but with their way of life, it just isn't worth it to them to remain open for those extra hours just to get a little more money. They'd rather be doing whatever else they have to do during that time. I like that.
3. Gelato. There are gelaterias EVERYWHERE. At least in Padova. Honestly, every street has its own gelateria sometimes more than one. It's crazy. But it's cool because a lot of them have ice cream that is "senza latte" (without milk) so I can eat, too!
4. I am American. There is no way for me to hide it, so I have decided that the best way is to embrace it and be proud because I love being American darnit.
5. People here are really nice once you break the ice. Really, you can ask someone how to get to a street and they will talk to you for a half hour or more if you let them. It's pretty nice because you don't feel bad taking up their time. If you are in a hurry it's tough to leave, but I love it.
6. They really need an American sports bar here.
7. Maybe I'll just quit school and open up an American sports bar here.
8. Maybe not.
Well that's about all I have that I can remember at least for now. Yesterday we had our test which I think went OK... neither bad nor good so we shall see. And then we went out to the bars again it was fun. It's easier to practice your Italian after you've had a beer or two because you don't care as much if you mess up. Today I woke up excited for football again, I am debating on whether to spend money for a day of football online. I could watch Michigan-Central (meh) but I really wanna see that OSU - TEXAS game and I want to watch Penn State - ND, too. Thanks for all the updates on gli sport americani. I hope those Tigs know what they are doin... I left so that they could win!
At the Prato della Valle today there was a flea market and I bought a Materazzi Italian National jersey and some scarpe (shoes). Overall I say it was a successful venture. You'll have to excuse me if these posts are all over the place, that seems to be where my mind is lately (all over the place) and people keep walking in and out everytime I write these so I always get distracted. I hope you are enjoying reading these as much as I am enjoying writing them, I love and I miss you all~!
PS. - More pictures are up - check 'em out!!
I'm glad you're keeping us all posted, that's what's good. Billy is here right now and we both really wish YOU were here too, but we're glad you are having the time of your life in ITALIA!!!
What's up-
Since I haven't posted in a while (for me anyways) I decided to. UM just started back up and CMU scored (7-7)! MSU plays at 3:30 and the tigers are going to kill the Twins tonight at 8:10 EST. That's what's happening around the country, here's what's happening in your (old) neck of the woods.
Back in the GP, North football lost yesterday, and are now 1-1. Billy's team won 2-0 against South, and my soccer team just won 9-0. Jean's working at school a lot, and dad, mom and I are going to Bayview tonight with Grandma. I think that's finally all!
Have fun in Padova!
Today in Ann Arbor, they had the first weather delay in 79 years at the big outhouse. Apparently it wasn't lightning in the area, as reported initially. I have it on good authority that Lloyd has not been eating his prunes and is a tad backed up, so they stopped the game so he could work up a shtoop. 24-10 UM over the Chips at half- and if CMU wasn't in a giving mood it would be a lot tighter than that. State plays another directional school later today- we should (but maybe not) beat up on EMU like a redheaded stepson.
I'm leaving for training for my new job tomorrow- will be in Ft Myres FL for all of next week. I'll stay in touch via the blog tho---
Viva Italia!!
Hi stevo,
Glad to hear your having a great time! Kathie and I just finished our triathlon today. Kathie kicked my butt in the swim and bike, but I caught up to her on the run. So we ended up finishing together with the same overall time. We had a blast. We'll sign you up next year. Take care, and don't clean your room. Afterall it's your own stink.
I was watching the Italian Grand Prix this morning and thought I saw you in Monza -- maybe not! If I come over there I want you to set up a tour at the Ferrari plant. By the way, all the Italian sport cars are on the grounds of the Academy today and will be touring through Grosse Pointe later this afternoon. We enjoy your posts and your perspective on life in Italy. Keep up the good work and just make sure your room is clean when your mother arrives next year.
Uncle Rick
I know you're bitter that you won't be in the D for the big Shock world title parade :)
and clean your room!
Awesome post!!! I enjoy hearing your perspective of things in Italy. The American sports bar may not play that well unless you show some Italian Sports. Also, your Mom and Dad would probably take a little issue with you quitting school to open one.
The college games yesterday were pretty uneventful. However, next week the season really gets underway with a full slate of top 25 teams mixing it up against one another -- 16 of the Top 25 playing against each other (e.g.,
#8 LSU at #4 Auburn,
#10 Michigan at #4 Notre Dame,
#17 Miami (FL) at #13 Louisville, #15 Oklahoma at #20 Oregon,
#24 Texas Tech at #23 TCU,
#18 Clemson at #9 Florida State, #21 Nebraska at #3 USC,
#7 Florida at #11 Tennessee).
The Tigers continue to struggle -- blowing a fine pitching performance saturday night 2-1 and then having their supposed future "ace" on the mound today trying to salvage a split - Bonderman proceeded to get shelled and the Tigers fell 12-1 to the Twins. Their lead is now 2 games over the Twins and only 3.5 over the White Sox.
The NFL kicked off today and nothing unusual -- Lions lost (broke the heart of the fans by losing to the Seattle Seahawks 9-6 on a field goal on the last play of the game). As time goes on, somethings never change!!!
Enjoy the "senza latte" gelato and the wine!!!
Uncle Bruin
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