Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Where the heck am I?

Hello everyone! This is your favorite friend/relative comin at you fast (558 MPH fast) from 35000 feet above Newfoundland about to roll over the Atlantic. Currently its 8:50 PM Eastern Standard Time and I am scheduled to arrive in London in 4 and a half hours. It’s a good thing that they have some pretty good movies that are on demand this flight. I just watched a movie called Thank You For Smoking which was pretty funny and now I just put on Jurassic Park – can never go wrong with that one.
This past week has been pretty bittersweet for me as I said some farewells and got ready for this trip. I was able to make it to East Lansing and Ann Arbor to say goodbye to a few people and my cousins and aunts and uncles have been in and out saying goodbye. It’s hard to believe that after all of this anticipation I am finally going. Though I still don’t know where quite yet. I suppose tonight I’ll have to sleep on the plane though I only have four more hours to do so and tomorrow night (or tonight?) I hope to have a real bed in Padua where I will be staying for the next month during my language-learning program. I am anxious to find out if I am going to have a roommate or not or where he will be from if I do.
But first I have to get through London. London airport is not going to be much fun at all I have to carry a year’s supply of stuff from one airport to another. I had a tough time trying to get all my bags checked in this afternoon – I had to take a few sweaters and shoes out in order to comply with the weight limit. Luckily Kristy was there to save the day and take my stuff home. I do not know where I would be without my mom or her this summer… probably not on this flight.
Hahaha I forgot that Samuel L. Jackson is in this movie – I hope there are no snakes on this plane. I also hope that I am able to connect to the internet when I get there so that I can update this. I am really going to miss everyone and I hope that you can keep up with me! I’ll write another one as soon as I can.
Love, Steve


Anonymous said...

Steve- great to hear from you and know you are on your way for a great journey! I will watch for up dates.
All is well here. Bob is my chef so I am very spoiled. Your Mom and Dad are coming over tomorrow night and we are having chinese. Tigers are winning and that1s good. Fall is in the air !
much love, Grams

Anonymous said...

Steve- great to hear from you and know you are on your way for a great journey! I will watch for up dates.
All is well here. Bob is my chef so I am very spoiled. Your Mom and Dad are coming over tomorrow night and we are having chinese. Tigers are winning and that1s good. Fall is in the air !
much love, Grams