Monday, November 06, 2006


I know I haven't written in a long time and I promise to update this soon, but I'm unfortunately ineligible to vote this midterm election and would like to encourage everyone else who can to do it!
As some may know, I support our current Governor, Jennifer Granholm, and am confident that she can continue to lead our state economically and politcally.
I have found this video of the first gubernatorial debate between Governor Granholm and Mr. DeVos here:
and I encourage everyone to take a look at it and make your own decision!


Anonymous said...


Good to hear from you again!!! I hope all is well with you and your studies/adventures!!! We have missed your updates.

Motown is getting back to normal since the Tigers ended their season. The Pistons are underway and people's attention has turned to them and the Red Wings. Both are doing OK but not setting their leagues on fire.

College football is heating up and yes your Wolverines are right in the thick of things. Good news for them, bad news for you. Is Kristi in town or visiting you when they play OSU?

Well, I was fortunate to land a teaching job in Oxford ~ teaching 6th grade math ~ it is very exciting!!!

We will miss you on Thanksgiving but enjoy your visit from Kristi. The rest of your family will hopefully be here with us enjoying a little turkey ~ no, not Danbo, (that would be a big turkey, ha, ha:).

I heard that there was a fire in one of the buildings at Grosse Pointe North ~ no school today for Bill. Also, I saw that North was ousted from the Football playoff by De La Salle ~ good effort though!

Thanks for the public announcement relative to voting!!! I will be at the polls. Good to hear from you and don't make it so long next time in between postings.


Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...


Coach Trombley here. Your brother told me about your blog. Glad to hear you are having a good time studying in Italy. I am sure that you are making lots of friends - it's in your nature. All is well here with my family. Elli will be 2 in February. Mrs. Trombley is enjoying her school year. I am having a blast coaching the girls as we just clinched the league championship tonight against Fraser. Hoping to get back to Breslin. It is nice to know that for the first time in years I won't be doing back to back seasons. I am looking forward to spending time with my family. Although, I will miss they boys. I had some hard workers and good all around young men - kind of like someone I previously coached. Well, take care of yourself. Remember to make good decisions. God Bless You.


Anonymous said...


Sorry you were unable to fullfill your Constitutional Right to Vote, (they do have mail in you know),lol..........Well the Govenor stays put for another 4 years, hopefully things will improve in certain areas.. As, Yes i did Vote, I was at the CHalet late SUnday came back tues early to vote.

Great yaking at you the other day by the way.

Keep us updated before we get tired of checking up on you and blow ya off..................nahhhhhhhh that couldn't happen :)

Have Fun, be Safe and learn something for _ _ _'s sake.

Uncle Bob