Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New Post

5:19 PM, Padova - Hey all! Thought I'd change the site a little bit, I was getting bored with the old one. I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest but I'll figure something out. It doesn't loook as smooth but oh well. Pictures from last week with Kristy are up here.
Kristy made it home safe, I got a ride home with a soldier (Greg) from Tennessee, and last night was Christina's birthday so we had a pre-dinner spritz for her, and that's about it that's new. I REALLY need to do some work soo... Catch you later.


Danny said...

ok this one is really short dont worry--

just wanted to correct you on your pictures--you said in the picture that you were with the Slovenian princess--does slovenian even exist??

on the way back from the airport kristy said it was romanian.

just thought id be a jerk and correct you

ok bye now

and i figured out how to use the html symbols here so thats cool!!

Schragoo said...

SLOVANIA is a country, Danbutt.

Learn your European Geography.

I reccommend it for everyone.

Anonymous said...


Great pictures! Looks like you and Kristy had an adventure!

I also like that you held your ground with your bro!

Keep working on the site -- but please do not put up one of those cheesy "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" signs.

Enjoy and work hard!


Uncle Bruin

Danny said...

ok steve, you got me on slovania but I'M GETTING YOU ON RECCOMMEND!! :P ouch

it's recommend.--had a little too much wine??


oh yeah and i got a new picture, its bill nye because im random, and because he is cool

ok, you will see (and hear) my annoying self at christmas again--


Anonymous said...


Just looking out for you on your birthday ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Uncle Bruin ~ UCLA beats USC to position your Wolverines to possibly play the Buckeyes for the National Championship ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve!

Happy Birthday! Been thinking about you the last two days and remembering the year you were born. I was about your age at that time. Crazy, huh? It goes fast, keep enjoying every minute. It looks like you are.

I can see that you and Kristy had a good time. I'm glad you got another visitor. If I win the lotto, the girls and I are there too. So, we got that to look forward to, which is nice.

Miss you, love you and Happy Birthday!

Love, Aunt chris