11:31 AM Padova, 5:31 AM Detroit - Hey all! Wow it has been a long time since I have updated this site. Actually a ton has happened since that I don’t know where to start. I guess we can start on sports since that seems to be where I left off.
We all know the Tigers ended up losing in the WORLD SERIES. I’m still amazed they made it that far and am proud to say I’m a Tiger’s fan. Apparently my love for the Tigers was interesting enough for people to read about. If you haven’t seen or heard of it you can read it Here.
A very special Thank-you to Neal Rubin of the Detroit News for letting me talk baseball with him and giving me a play-by-play up until the last pitch of the season.
Well since then I have been busy. I have had classes, Halloween parties, and field trips. Last Sunday I went to Verona with my history of architecture class. We saw the Chiesa di San Zeno, the Arena and the Teatro and then we went to see Juliet’s balcony. It was a really nice day-trip, just me and the girls (see above).
Then two days ago (Tuesday) some of us decided to go to Milan to try and get tickets to the upcoming soccer match: AC Milan vs Roma. They were all sold out online but we heard we could get them maybe in Milan. After trying three different places we finally found an AC Milan super-fan store that was able to sell us tickets on the third ring! So I am going to the game, I am so excited. I told me roommates and they expressed genuine concern for my well-being. They say they are absolutely nuts. Just makes it better. That game is at 8:00 on Saturday night so we are going to go in the morning-after noon and watch all the crazies and then try and catch a train back. The last train to Padova leaves at 11:30 or something so I don’t know if we are going to make it, however the following day we have a field trip in Venice all day so we might be able to just head straight there and sleep in the train. Who knows, I’m not worried all I know is that I’m going to be at the game! The girls are excited to see Totti and I’m excited to be in the sports atmosphere.
Speaking of sports, I am tempted to write David Stern a letter about this new ‘Sheed Rule. I don’t think that rule is fair at all, he is taking away the Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech from the players. They aren’t allowed to complain, talk bad about the refs, pretty much they aren’t allowed to show emotion. I can’t get down with that. That is what sports (especially basketball) is all about. I’m glad I don’t have to watch it.
Anyway back to Padova. Yesterday my professor, Professor Mascia, decided to single out the Americans and ask us to present on the midterm elections on Monday IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE 150 STUDENT LECTURE HALL. You can’t just say no to a prof so now we have to give a presentation in lecture on Monday. In a language we don’t speak. However he did say that if we wanted to use English a little bit we could because many of the kids will understand that anyway. That is going to be an experience. I have a test that day, too. So today and tomorrow I am going to be busy researching and studying for my tests that start next week. Actually it’s after 12 now, I should probably get going on that. I’d love to hear from ya’ll, thanks for stoppin’ by!
whats up steve...
for everyone that's reading this, feel free to skim through the comment--it's long and boring
just thought id say hello...its been a while since i wrote.
i've had the past few days off...unlike you :P (in case you're computer illiterate-- :P is a smiley face sticking out his tongue--you may have to turn your head). I also received in the mail an order for Dannys Deluxe Dusiness, and I will be shipping out my first out-of-city cooking/catering company cargo-load tomorrow. Betsy ordered 8 cups of puppy chow, and i can do the same for you, but it'll cost you half price + shipping, so its not really worth it.
Anyway, have fun at the futbol game and ill see you at christmas!
ps--this is the first year you dont get to wake up at 4:15 and come with us downtown in -100 degree weather. too bad--maybe your alarm will accidentally go off a little bit early that day!--kristy that's your job
ok bye
STEPHEN- always good to hear from you! It`s a beautiful day in G.Pte. Going to the Fisher with your Dad tonight to see Moving Out. Dinner at Roma before-frog legs of course. I can still see Danny holding up a frog leg and said-Grams you really eat this!! Can`t wait to see you in December
Keep the news rolling! Billy is working hard on his news at North.
oceans of love and many hugs,
Nice to hear from you again (finally). I enjoyed your posting as well as the multiple technological add-ins (i.e., picture and link to article.) It was very creative!!!
I was a little surprised you did not also mention the elections after your appeal for voters in your last post. It was quite a busy night with the dems taking control of both houses. Also, Granholm will do another term here in Michigan (John Burchette was certainly happy about that.)
Your tickets to the futbol game will leave Dario very envious!! Roma is and has been his team for years!!! He even gave JD a Roma hat and (Totti) jersey. It will be wild!!
As for our local sports, the Tigs just acquired Gary Sheffield from the Yankees for 3 minor league pitchers. The Red Wings have been playing well as of late. While the Pistons are struggling (they happen to be on the west coast tonight against the Lakers.) They lost the first 2 out there against Utah and Sacramento.
I have to take a different perspective on the Stern directive. I am not in favor of the technicals and not being able to show some emotion but I also am not in favor of a bunch of high priced, over payed prima-donnas complaining over every little thing on the court. The emotion should come from the team and positive play -- not from complaining. Heck, they already get away with traveling, 3 seconds, hacks, carrying the ball, and just generally sloppy basketball play -- I think David Stern needs to have the refs enforce and focus on calling the true rules of basketball rather than focus on the emotional outbursts from a bunch of spoiled brats. I would like to see these guys play "real" basketball, ut let's face it the NBA refs are just as bad as they think they should be part of the "show" versus impartial rule enforcers (enough of that soap box -- as I step down!)
I was a little surprised that you did not bring up your Wolverines as they are having such a good year! Is it that you don't want to jinx them -- the big game is only a week away! The last 2 Thursdays have had some good games as Louisville knocked off West Virginia and then Rutgers knocked off Louisville -- both real good games! The BCS will leave many disappointed --AGAIN!
Your schedule sounds hectic with classes, field trips, train rides, soccer games and other social activities. How are classes going? I will be interest to hear how your presentation in front of the class goes. How is are you doing with learning and speaking Italian?
We will miss you on Thanksgiving but wish you and Kristi a fun and festive American Thanksgiving in Italy. We look forward to seeing you over Christmas as well as next summmer in Italy!
God Bless,
Uncle Bruin
Keep up the great updates. I enjoy them. Just got back from a business trip in Texas. Had breakfast with Mary McCrae, (Rabaut) sent her the blog for her enjoyment.
The Frattini Family
Caro Stefano,
Come va? E' Dario!!!
Finalmente ti scrivo qualche riga. Venerdi' pomeriggio, Anne Marie ed io, siamo stati a trovare nonna Schrage a casa sua. Cosi' ci ha raccontato che saresti andato a Milano sabato sera a vedere la partita del Milan contro la mia Roma.... Che sogno!!!
Spero ti sia divertito nel catino di San Siro! Sai che la Roma non vinceva contro il Milan a Milano da 20 anni!! 2-1 PER LA ROMA: HAI PORTATO FORTUNA, GRANDE STEFANO!!
Per il resto, tutto bene. Mi auguro che il tuo italiano continui a migliorare a passi da gigante.
Continua cosi' che vai forte!!!
ciao ed un abbraccio da tutti noi.
A presto,
Dario M
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