12:49 AM - Padova - Hey all! Kristy and Steve here drinking a glass of wine and recalling our fabulous week together. We have had a wonderful time together and so we would like to share with you some of what we've done. Recap:
Saturday - Steve made a check list of things to do before Kristy arrived. He ended up checking all of them off (with the help of the girls studying here with him) most importantly the item "Go Get Kristy." Kristy was proud that the remembered that, if nothing else.
Trips to and from Venice were rather uneventful - Steve was able to watch the entire 1997 Michigan - ohiostate while on the train and we made it back in time for Davide to cook us a lovely pasta with his own version of ragu sauce. Then we prepared for The Game. After some minor techincal difficulties with the ESPN gameplan we were successfully off and running as were the Wolverines and we were able to watch the first Touchdown. Go Blue. Enough said.
Sunday - We slept. Pizza with Danielle and Angela. Basta.
Monday - We left on an early train to Florence where Kristy was able to experience her first taste of true Italian culture... Everything was closed. For future reference: Don't go to Italy on a Monday.
Florence was still a great time even if we were forbidden entrance to practically everything we wanted to see - we were able to see the Duomo (by Brunelleschi) and the 700 year old Ponte Vecchio.
After that we hopped a 5 HOUR train to Rome. Ugh. It takes 5 hours to get from Rome to Padova, not Florence which is halfway in between the two. In Rome we checked into the Freedom Traveller hostel (highly recommended) and went out for a classy night in the eternal city.
Tuesday - We did Rome in a day. St. Peter's, Vatican City, Colisseum, Roman Ruins, Pantheon, the Prison of Paul and Peter (wicked cool), and we even tried for a pub crawl on the spanish steps but we were too late (even for Italian standards apparently) so we went across the street to Mickey D's for a not-so-classy dinner and some beer. On our way back, we bought a bottle of wine and drank it as we were caught in the rain and thunderstorm. Good times.
Wednesday - Early train. Back to Padova. Study. Test. Italians made us a Thanksgiving dinner which they slaved over for hours. They did their best with the turkey which they bought Monday and had killed Tuesday. Basta.
Thursday in Padova - Happy Thanksgiving! Woke up and went to the Duomo which happens to be around the corner from Steve's apartment. We saw the art in the baptistry which neither of us had ever seen before - pretty nifty. And then we walked to Prato where we got a phone call from the early morning crew at America's Thanksgiving Day parade. (Aka - Dan the man, Slick, Poppa Schrags, JD, Uncle Bruin) after an intense game of 2 on 2 football on Woodward. Proceeded to the Basilica where we were able to enter however for the 1 hour that we were there everything (including access to the Saint's tongue) was closed. Naturally. We took a picture because it was literally closed for the one hour that we were there. Appointment, panino, class, Thanksgiving dinner with the Boston Paduan program and the UC program in Bologna. We took over Vecchia Padova, a local restaurant, and had our pot luck. We brought limoncello, stuffed our face and had a great time.
Friday - Verona. After class on this rainy day we hopped the next train to Verona where we saw a bunch of old, artsy things. Started off at the Mantegna exhibit, Arena, Juliet's balcony (where we touched her BOOB for good luck), and then we saw the Roman Theatre built in the first century B.C. Had a nice little dinner, took the train back and now we are writing to you. I just opened some birthday presents, too. Ho-Ho's and Tiger gear from the famb and tickets to White Christmas at the Fox over break from the Garvey's :-)
Tomorrow it's off to Venice and Sunday the girl half leaves :-( It has been a fun trip and we are both looking forward to seeing everyone over Christmas. Peace and Love
- Us.
PS. Pictures will be up probably Sunday. It's Home Alone 2 time. Night ya'll/y'all.
Stevo and Kristy,
It was great to talk to (and see both of you yesterday on Thanksgiving!) We were very happy (as it seemed that the two of you were as well:) that you were able to be with us for our Thanksgiving prayer. We look forward to seeing you both over Christmas!
Also, we look forward to you both joining us next year for our Thanksgiving Dinner (the real deal -- but the Turkey may not be quite as fresh as the one you had this year.) We also look forward to you rejoining the early morning crew and playing in the football game on Woodward.
Your recap of the week was great to read. It sounds like you and Kristy are experiencing a whirl-wind week and creating quite the memories!
At the risk of cousin Jean not reading the blog, I will stop here.
Safe travels back Kristy!
Ciao and God Bless,
Uncle Bruin
Hey steve and Kristy,
It was really nice to talk to you on thanksgiving over skype. I really enjoy hearing all about your adventures in Italy. I am glad you're having fun. See you over christmas Stevo.Hoping to hear more from you soon.
alright, i know--i havent commented in a while, and i know how much everyone loves to hear from me, so here we go... (feel free to skim like you usually do when i post, everybody that's just reading this!!)
first of all, i have to yell at you for not waking up at 4 this year for the parade...and as much as i just hate to say it--we got off a lot earlier and smoother without you. it just makes me mad that you could sleep in.... ok whatever
next, basketball started for me, and although we're off to an 0-2 start in the "turkey shoot" @ st. margarets, were still having fun--im starting and playing decent
ok heres whats goin on in prep sports.
north girls lost to fraser in hoops wednesday in the regional finals, even though we beat them twice in the regular season.
and delasalle LOST to muskegon in the finals today at ford field thanks to ONE PLAYER that lost them the game--last play of the game, delasalle is down by a few points, and they make a GREAT pass to one player (i forget names) who, on the 1 YARD LINE, FUMBLES because he was already celebrating!! so delasalle isnt that good after all.
umm i dont know what else is going on...i got a concussion on wednesday playing basketball with my friends, so i dont remember much on wednesday...my friends told me i kept asking what day it was...sound familiar???
ok its 1 am EST so i think its time for bed.
buona note
-dan the MAN
Hi Steve
I loved this report! I'm so glad you guys had fun, even though everything was closed! (Somehow I don't think it mattered that much!).
We too are looking forward to you hanging out some here at Christmas - the hot tub, Big T and euchre.
Hope you have a Happy 21st!
Mrs. G
Feel free to skim if you want ...
Sounds like you're having fun.
buona notte
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