Monday, October 23, 2006


11:08 PM Sunday in Padova – Hey all! Well it’s been a while since I have updated the site but nothing too exciting has been happening, I have had school (Boo) and lots to do around Padova. Six hours of lessons on Monday were spent thinking about the Tigers and than I quenched my Tiger’s thirst when I watched the last game of the ALCS. Tuesday… I think I went to the opera. Yeah, the study center bought us tickets for the dress rehersal because they were meno-costoso. I saw La Boheme which I knew going in that RENT was based off of this opera, but it was surprisingly similar. There were some of the exact same scenes. I must say though, I liked RENT better. That was my first opera and I don’t see the appeal of them. Normally I can appreciate most forms of art, but I just thought it was too much. Don’t get me wrong they had great voices and everything but it took way too long to say the same thing that RENT did in half the time. Maybe I just enjoyed the people I was with better when I saw RENT.
Poi… Thursday was my roommate Checca’s birthday so we had a nice little party for her and the roommates got her a blow up punch doll and we drew our faces for her to put on it when she wanted to punch us. It was pretty cool. Friday we watched the Simpsons in Italian to compare the voices and then I went and met Emma Perry (a friend from high school) in Venice. She is studying in Greece and was in Venice just for a night so I went to go eat dinner with her and her friends. I was pretty stoked to be able to go to Venice for about 5 euro roundtrip, until I got off at the wrong station and had to take a taxi to the other one. Not sweet. Dinner was really nice though I’m glad I went and now I know how to get to Venice.
Saturday I bummed hard and then threw and American party here. My friend Dean from Port Huron has been studying in Ferraram which is about an hour away by train, and he came for the party. It was pretty fun we made hamburgers and played American style games. I heard the Wolverines pulled through but the Tigs couldn’t get it goin. I’m not too worried seeing as they lost their first against the Yanks and they’ve had a week off. But I hope they can figure it out for tonight.
Well that’s all that’s happening here in Padova, let me know what’s happening in your neck of the woods!


Anonymous said...


Tigs win so its all tied up 1-1. Not without a little controversy -- Rogers had a little dirt or possibly pine tar on his hand in the first inning but it was gone in the 2nd -- probably just pizza sauce. Later dude.

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear all is well and your experiencing all Italy has to offer. I was at Game 2 of the World Series. Kenny Rogers had a GREAT game. Got a little worried in the top of the 9th, but we got through it and the Tigers won 3-1. What a Great time being down at the ballpark. GO TIGERS

Anonymous said...

HEY STEVE! i havent talked to you in a while so i thought id leave you a little note

ann arbor is a blast, as usual. at the football game this weekend, there was a sweet guy (now dubbed 'hot dog man' youll see why in a minute) who bought a ton of hot dogs and threw them to people all over the student section AND GOT KICKED OUT... scandal.

my roommates and i are excited for halloween weekend, i think we have the best costumes ever, but theyre a secret so youll have to wait until after halloween to know what they are. carly's b day is coming up, so yeah, all kinds of exciting things.

i think guiness gets more hilarious every week (guiness is carly's dog, we have a dog at our house i dont know if you know that). hes really scared of plastic cups, like terrified. you need to meet him, because hes awesome.

oh yeah and dont forget to tell everyone you meet, even if theyre italian and dont care about football, that were EIGHT AND O. its great to be a michigan wolverine


Anonymous said...


Good to hear from you!!! Nice to know studies are coming first!

Tigers won as Uncle Rick and Uncle Bob said... Todd Jones gave everyone a little scare though -- I am sure if Danny was up he was fit to be tied.

Your Wolverines may be the real deal this year. Sorry for you that it took you to leave the country for them to do it. However, I still believe that they have a major obstacle to overcome for a National Title -- no, no not the Buckeyes -- but rather Lloyd Carr!!

The Spartans were very close to officially getting John L. out of town -- down to Northwestern 38-3 in with 9:3 left in the third quarter. For whatever reason they decided to play football like they did against ND in the first half and came back from the largest Division 1A deficit to win 41-38.

I was left very disappointed and lost control as the Bruins let ND off the hook. Let's just say that I was not real happy (can you say postal)with their Coach who went John L. (conservative)on his team after beating ND for 59:30 of the game.

Detroit is excited about the TIGERS but the weather took a turn to the cold and wet!!!

Nice to know that your are still enjoying the culture (Italian Birthday parties) while sharing a little Americana with your new friends (American party)!!

Keep studying hard and enjoy!!!

Keep up posted -- Ciao!!

Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen! Great article in today's (10/28/06) Detroit News about YOU and your adventures!

The Sterba Gang

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to read the blog in a while, but I'm glad to see the comment about enjoying the people you saw RENT with ;) We do things right in Kalamazoo I guess. Maybe I'll take you to another great show just have to get home! See you in a couple of weeks I can't wait!

Anonymous said...


Hey whats going on over there? Your not updating your Blog enough so we can keep track of you, you NEVER answer the numerous calls when I try and reach you.............yet when I open a newpaper or church bullentin I see you! I guess I'll just have to keep reading the newspaper and going to Church to read the bullentin to find out whats happening in your New life in Italy.


Uncle Bob