It's nice to be back on the blogosphere.
Currently I am writing to you from my new toy/tool iPad. I have named him Schragooster and hopefully he will make it easier for me to keep up with my blog! Hey, it's working already, ain't it?
To be honest there is certainly a lot to catch up on so I will do my best to pick up where I left off....
And it appears as if I have left my reader in Dover, England! Well that is a odd place to have left off, now isn't it?
Let's see, since my meeting with the lovely young couple in Kent, I have:
visited friends in London, made new friends in Canterbury, switched tour partners in Toronto, created and delivered a new speech 15 times, interviewed for a new spot within the orgnization, saw my family (minus Slick) for Easter, Rick-rolled Fran's Diner (twice), went to opening day for the Blue Jays, packed for a month's worth of travel in less than an hour, met some friends from Italy, hung out with some friends from my time in Padova, went to an A's game and got a free Snuggie!, hiked a good amount of Muir Woods, rode a San Francisco trolly, saw the Full House house, travelled across the Golden Gate bridge, met up with our Palo Alto office, volunteered with some students and the 'Save The Bay' organization pulling Italian thistle weed (a non native plant) out of a marsh area of the bay, hopped off a plane at LAX, listened to a Jay- Z and a Britney song on the radio, saw Aunt Kath and the famb, randomly met a high school friend at a bar in San Fran (confirming in my mind the world is shrinking), ate an Italian-style pizza, suffered the dietary consequences of said Italian-style pizza, went to a Jelly Belly factory, had a frozen yogurt sundae, suffered the dietary consequences of said yogurt sundae, flew to Hawaii, bought a boogie-board, watched some pro beach volleyball players, spent some QT with a good friend, watched a Red Wings playoff game live at 8:00 A.M., hiked through muddy forest to find a secluded waterfall, received several handmade leis from some 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, seen countless rainbows, had a cheeseburger in paradise, went to a luau, snorkeled in 'Sharks Cove', inspired some kids to want to help others, and took a nap.
Ok, so I'm pretty sure I lied about the nap one unless you count over-nighters, but needless to say I have been quite busy!
Life on tour is pretty exciting as I am sure you can tell, but what really makes it is when I am able to have a group of students and staff like I did last Friday. Our speech was arranged by a Teach for America member who had been through a plethora of his own life challenges and was placed among a group of students with a 15% homeless rate at the school. Despite the struggles one can imagine at a school with a high level of poverty already, these students truly believed in our message of thinking of others first (Think We!) and took very thoughtfully and respectfully to our workshop. It has been a very nice change of pace for us and I am excited for the week ahead.
Speaking of the week ahead it is now way past my bedtime. Goodnight to you all and Mahalo for visiting again!
- Sent via Schragooster
Location:Kapahulu Ave,Honolulu,United States
Thank you so much for updating your blog. WOW!!! What an experience you are having! Most importantly you ARE making a difference! Vancouver and Alberta here you come!
I don't know how you are going to ever have a regular 9-5 job???
Enjoy all the experiences,don't forget to give the kids your enthusiasm for life.
I am so PROUD! Love, MOM :)
Hi Stephen! It's Aunt Patty -- I just LOVE reading your whereabouts!! I am in awe of the wonderful places you have visited and SO PROUD of you! You are doing something FANTASTIC with your talents -- I applaude you... BIG HUGS, LOTS of LOVE and God's Blessings! Aunt Patty Sterba
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