Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey there,

I am writing from my room right now as I sit here sweating in the 90 weather here in Sesto Fiorentino. We just finished lunch – the food here is unreal – and now the kids have classes and voice lessons and I have some free time. Ok I haven’t written anything recently so I will try and catch you up.

I arrived on a Tuesday in the middle of the afternoon. The eight music students were already here and I just kinda wafted around all day with nothing to do. I started to get to know the layout of the villa and meeting the music kids. I spent the next couple of days preparing for the Honors students to get here and checking out Sesto Fiorentino as well as Florence which is about a 10 minute train ride from here. Here in Sesto we are stuck between some really big hills (I would call them mountains, they call them hills here) so I went and climbed for a little bit. It really is nice to be back in Italy.

Up until yesterday really it has been pretty overcast and rainy since I got here. Yesterday and today have just been really hot but sunny. It’s crazy to think I have been here two weeks already. So some of the highlights:
- Cinque Terre – We went hiking through these five towns right on the water, it was beautiful weather that sprinkled just when we needed it to.
- Kiko and his girlfriend Erin came and visited last week. We watched the Champions League final around the corner from the villa and then we went into town to a disco. It was fun being with them but the disco was kind of stupid. Just what I expected really, Italian men praying on American girls.
- Some of the music kids and I went to a real disco outside of the city, closer to Sesto, the other day and it was a lot of fun. They had an Elisa cover band and the singer who was supposed to be Elisa was really good.
- We were playing soccer with one of the professors kids and I got scraped up. He was good.
- Haven’t stayed up to watch the games yet but I will probably these next couple of days
- All the kids are from Michigan and Wisconsin so Euchre is frequently played which I dig.

Some thoughts so far:
- Tigers need to pick it up.
- Comparing Sesto to Padova is useless. PD has a unique charm for kids of my age.
- The flowers here are beautiful and bountiful.
- If it’s this hot now, I don’t want to know what July is going to be like.
- The music students are really good and it’s really pleasant listening to the piano while staring up at the frescoed walls of the villa.
- Frisbee is a great time killer.
- The Tigers really need to pick it up.
- Florence has a lot to offer but is REALLY really touristy and doesn’t give you the feel of true Italian culture unless you seek it out.
- I feel like my Italian is getting worse in the villa because all we talk is English. Kind of a bummer but I am trying to get out more even if it’s just by myself.
- I really should go to Church.
- Country music makes me think of summer
- I really wanted a hot dog for Memorial Day
- I think I want to write a book for how to behave in Europe for the American population
- First Entry would be – SHUT UP. The world already thinks we are LOUD, arrogant and ignorant, why prove them right by opening our mouths?
- Hockey should be more popular.
- Seriously Tigers, what’s goin on?

That’s all for now. Tonight at 8:30 the music students are putting on a performance. I’m excited for that. I’ll try to keep this up, cheers ya’ll.


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you have made it and are starting to adjust back into the Italian culture. Sounds like you have become a little jaded in your advanced years :) I would love to read your book as I totally agree with your premise. I also totally agree wth your assessment of the Tigers ~ they need to pick it up -- BIG TIME!!!!
The Tigers won on Saturday night 19-3 and then lost by shutout on Monday 1-0 in 12 innnings ~ they walked in the winning run:( I just do not understand how such a hyped line-up can have been shutout eight times already this year.

The Red Wings however have been fun to watch and the Pistons are the same old thing ~ they play well and then they play poorly, then they play poorly and then they play well ~ consistent but not what you want in terms of playing consistently well.

We had decent weather over Memorial Day. Hope the weather holds out for you. If it is anything like we had in July last year just take a quick trip to Interlakken for the snow on the 4th of July :)

Oh, by the way, sorry to let you know the Wolverines softball team was eliminated in the Super Regionals, however their baseball team starts play this week in the regionals. Good Luck!

Talk to you soon ~ Ciao!

Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen!

Thanks for updating your blog. I love to hear what you are doing. Please keep it up. Thanks Uncle Bruin for hanging in there and always commenting. Your comments are always fun.
Enjoy your adventure Stephen. Real life starts all too soon!!!
Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve!!! Hope all is going well and its not too hot there, it has been very hot and stormy here lately. Lots of power outages. North is going for its second girls Championship in Soccer tomorrow so keep your fingers crosed. Like catching up with you Be safe.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stevo,

Let's get this blog updated!!

Uncle Rick