Tuesday, May 13, 2008

High thoughts

Monday, May 12, 2008 – 5:04 PM Eastern Standard Time –

Hi all,
I’ve decided to restart my blogging as I should have some more time to do it these next couple months. I have every intention of keeping with it though I’m not sure what to expect. For those of you who have come back – thanks for thinking about me :-)

I am currently a little over an hour into our flight and we are due north of New York flying wayyyy into Canada (I’m assuming the jet stream is up here somewhere). It is still very bright outside and that made me realize that I still have to pass an entire night in this airplane - we are due in around 5:45 AM in Frankfurt.
I spent my time in the airport checking out the McNamera terminal and buying little things that I needed or wanted: Chapstick, comb, handkerchief (just kidding pops), and I picked up converters and a book (Michael Crichton’s latest called NEXT). I also got a Hani deluxe to go and scarfed that down just in time to be (I think) the last person on the plane. I found a spot in the front row in the middle (I didn’t take my seat next to the little old lady who would’ve had to move) but I have a ton of leg room now so life is good.
During takeoff I started Barack Obama’s book The Audacity of Hope which, after only 30-some odd pages, has sufficiently convinced me of his aptitude and justified his candidacy. If you have listened to one of his speech’s I’m sure this will come as no surprise to you but the ideas and level-headedness the man possess sincerely makes me believe that his goals will be pursued and conceivably followed. Luckily for you, I’ll have to stop my rant, dinner just showed up. See you in a bit.

6:19: Chicken dinner. Wasn’t bad.
Wasn’t necessarily good either.

I was able to read a bit more of Obama’s book… I won’t be able to do his words justice and by giving a brief synopsis I will inevitably omit important topics he covered so I will give a quick analysis of my thoughts:
He is thorough and intelligent enough to remain remarkably independent despite his democratic affiliation. His stubbornness and determination not to bow to political pressures and to remain committed to his liberal ideals is a breath of fresh and hopeful air in the polluted politics of today. Any oppositional assertions of his political ineptitude or overreaching goals (really the only two grievances I have heard) have been easily and sufficiently dispelled in the opening chapter.
I hate to go on, but my political convictions could not let me put that aside and I truly encourage anyone reading this to go to the library and borrow or just sit in a bookstore and read through the first chapter just to get an idea of who this candidate is and what he promotes. It will help to make an informed decision this coming election period no matter what your personal convictions may be.
Alright, I’m off the pulpit.
But I’m still on the plane.
5:08 more hours. No big deal. I am really thinking a nap is in order though. The sun is still shinning quite bright out which is really weird – I feel like this night will come and go in a matter of minutes.
I am beginning to get more and more excited for the trip - this morning I woke up feeling quite sick and now I am ready to roll. I just realized though, I didn’t bring a connector cord for my camera. How silly of me. I should be able to get my pictures on a disc though, but that’s a pain. Oh well. Anyway, I am going to put some jams on and try to take a nap - I may or may not write s’more. We’ll see how lucky you are.
10:29 EST – So I haven’t really slept at all. I just got done watching the movie “Jumper” because it was set in Ann Arbor. It was ok, Hayden Christiansen was in front of Michigan Book and Supply for about a fraction of a second. That’s just about all of Ann Arbor you see. It was either that or the Bucket List which I wanted to watch but I figured I’d watch that another time. I’m amped right now, it’s primetime back home. I hope Billy’s alright…. More food? What it’s breakfast time already??


Anonymous said...


Good to see you and Kristi last week. Congrats again and have a fantastic summer! We look forward to your updates again. We will try to keep you posted on the Detroit Sports scene this summer as we pull for the Wings to win the Cup, the Pistons to win a Championship and the Tigers to just start to win consistently!

Again, enjoy your summer!


Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you- thanks to Danny. Danny, Bob, Rick and John all here to put dirt all around my trees etc. The red Wings need a lot of support!!!!
Will keep in touch.