Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Has it really been over two years since my last post?

BOSTON:  Apparently it has.

Not that there hasn't been any excitement - I just haven't documented it for the world to see.  Allow me to bring you (and future me) up to speed:

Sarah moved to Michigan where she spent some time as a career advisor in Ann Arbor.
I switched positions at Tutor.com to a Client Services Manager where I had library clients initially, then K12 and Higher Ed institutions.

Our company purchased The Princeton Review and my role switched to working mostly with K12 institutions.

A wild ride ensued with a lot of work, and a flirt with fame as I moved to California to part-time manage my cousins' music career. That is a story that could easily be made into a screenplay and I'd be happy to tell you it someday. I maybe even document it on the Internet for the world to read one day.  Maybe.

All of those events, plus many more lead me to where I am now, which is in Sierra Madre (Southern California) living in an apartment above my Aunt Kathy and Uncle John's place.  Sarah moved recently to Santa Clara (Northern California) where started working last month in a consultative training position with Adecco for Google Express.

Oh, and we are engaged to be married.

So yes, eventually I am going to move the 5-6 hours north to be with my future wife, but until then, I am pretty content having a place to call my own. It's right at the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains and I have the unique luxury of waking up to a view of the mountains and backdoor access to some pretty breathtaking hikes. It doesn't feel like the Greater Los Angeles area until I get on the freeway at least.

Lately, I've been focusing on work, organizing a wedding and an impending move north. Last week I was offered a new position "Director, Institutional Sales Operations - The Princeton Review & Tutor.com" which I accepted on Friday.  I am currently en route to Boston where I will be learning more about what that means. I feel good about that new position and look forward to making our contracting and sales processes more efficient.

I hope to pick this back up as I enjoy reading some of these older posts. 

Until next time,

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