Wednesday, September 04, 2013

I am a curse to the Tigers


My curse of the Tigers is real and I now have the data to prove it.  The following statistics are representative of all regular season games since 1984 (the last time the Tigers won the World Series) where I have either been living in the state of Michigan or out of state.

The difference in my W/L ratio is almost 35%!  That's like saying the Tigers are likely to win 56 more games every year with me OUT of state than with me in state.   Since I moved home they are 4-6 which is almost exactly in line with my current trend rate (small sample size on the return, but the rest of the data speaks for itself).

Furthermore, here are my playoff stats:

Who wants to chip in to put me up in Florida for the next two months?

My analysis attached.


1 comment:

Schragoo said...


Per Billy's suggestion, here is my win percentage in various places:

Also, I should do a Total Life without 1984 (because I wasn't born then). It will definitely be worse. I gotta work now though.

Steve Stats Win %
Total Life +1984 0.4812
Outside Michigan 0.5446
In Michigan 0.4602
Grosse Pointe 0.4590
Unborn 0.6420
Toronto 0.5020
New York 0.5717
Ann Arbor 0.4781
Italy 0.4601
In Utero 0.5217