MCO -> DTW - I should rename this blog to "Thoughts in Transit" because that's always when I seem to write it.
Hello future me and anyone who might be spying. Today I decided to write because my work devices are all out of juice. Thusly, work is not an option.
I know, try not to be mad. I don't mean to put you second, but at least I'm writing, right? Right.
So let's see, where am I in life? Well I'm on my way home to work out of my parent's place for a week and spend Memorial Day weekend celebrating my good friends John and Kim getting married. This marks the first of my close friends to tie the knot: a pretty momentous occasion in my book. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened sooner and I'm happy it's the two of them. It makes me believe that I keep smart and intelligent friends who understand what marriage means and choose their partners wisely.
At least that's what I want to believe. I'm pretty sure if anyone proves me wrong it won't be the Cramers. Many happy thoughts to them.
Switching gears, Memorial Day marks a whole bunch of awesomeness every year it seems. Not only are my friends getting married, but the music festival formally known as Technofest happens in Detroit, the Detroit Grand Prix has been resurrected and will run this weekend, it marks the beginning of summer and I am going to see family and friends. Needless to say I am in a good mood.
The one thing missing is my actress girlfriend, Sarah, who is lighting up the Brooklyn Heights theatre stage this weekend in a production of Finnean's Rainbow. We have her scheduled to make a weekend stop in Detroit at the end of June though so I should have a chance to show her off then.
Detroit, Detroit, my how you call me back. It's funny, when people ask me, I usually say "I live in New York, but from Detroit". And I interchange New York and Detroit when I refer to home regularly. But I must say, New York is making a strong push to keep me around right now. Work is busy (a good thing) and I surround myself with extremely intelligent, entertaining and challenging friends. I feel like a rock star just hanging out with them.
I feel like I am making progress professionally and am happy with living so close to Sarah and exploring my neighborhood in Queens. Each day I seem to get a clearer picture of where I want to go in life. It makes me want to write a poem. I think I'll try.
The Great Lake spread out to the horizon in every direction.
Am I in the middle of it? I'm not certain.
People float.
A boat in the distance causes those in its wake to bob up and down
Now I see them
Now I don't.
I'm with the crew on canoes and kayaks. I enjoy it here.
There is sun to be had today.
For a moment, it's as if the barge in the distance didn't exist.
It's nice to be home. Good night world.
Location:Somewhere over America