Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's been six months and still no word, I don't deserve it??

HERSHEY, PA-  If you get the reference made in my title for this post, you might be from Detroit.  Or you're an Eminem fan.

Either way, I looked at my blog today for the first time in... well, six months and I realized I should probably put the fingers to the 'pad for another installment of OneSteveWorld.  I know you are all clamoring.

Pennsylvania. That's where I am. I'm staying at Hershey Lodge because I gave three presentations to the 99th Regional Support Command today. Well not to all of them, but to those who wanted to show up.  Presentations went quite well in case you were wondering. Great showing.

But that's kind of boring.  I could say that not a lot as been going on in my life but the would be a lie.  I am busy busy these days.  Traveling for work (I have been to Orlando twice and will be heading back two more times before June), playing Ultimate Frisbee out on Randall's Island, enjoying the early-onset summer weather in NY by frequenting the local Queens' biergarten... You know, the usual.

Yada Yada Yada, I can talk about stuff I am doing in New York but you don't care.  Basta dire (suffice it to say) I am alive and well.

Thanks for stopping by, I'll try not to wait so long until my next post.

Here are some pictures. 

One love.


DJ said...

You my boy Stevey! When can Andrea and I come visit you in New York? Is the offer still on the table? I'm pumped to see you.

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Unknown said...

omg ur blog rules