Sunday, July 27, 2008

Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid. Goethe said that. (Almost Famous)


Hi everybody!
I am excited to write this post tonight because I have a lot I want to get out in it. I have decided that I am going to take a little bit of a different route with my postings from here on out - enough with the recap of the week’s (or month’s) events. Now I am going to try and focus on defining and (perhaps more importantly) redefining myself through the recollection of my experiences or even those of others.
I am going to start off right away by saying that the past year and a half has been pretty crazy in terms of where I have been and who I have been around. I have constantly been around friends, family, and people who have kept me busy with various activities or just wanting to hang out. I am beginning to realize now that I haven’t allowed myself time for me. Stevetime. Lately here in Sesto while the majority of students have been away on weekend trips, I have been able to find some time to relax and re-evaluate who I am and where I am looking to go.
I decided that I get a lot of my thinking done while I’m at a computer and that I needed a project or a hobby for myself so I bought a website and will publish it as soon as I am happy with it. That may not be for a while since I am only going to have access to my computer for a couple of more days, but I will work on it as much as I can. I have really found it grueling, yet fun trying to re-learn HTML and though it is really frustrating trying to figure out how to make it work, it gives me a chance to be creative in how I go about it. More on that to come.
I end work here at the villa Friday and begin my 3-week long Italian tour Saturday. I am both excited and antsy to get it underway; excited because I will be going to parts of Italy that I have never seen and relaxing with some friends, antsy because I am anxious to get home and find a job to make back all the money I am about to invest in this trip.
Another objective of my new blogpost format will be to simply describe some of the observations I make all the time but never seem to remember or jot down. I think they are interesting and I’m sure some of them might interest you as well. I would really enjoy it if other people added to or even contradicted my observations with some of their own but who knows what kind of readership this new format will get. Either way I am anticipating some sort of response and will be delighted to hear from others. If nothing else at least maybe Danny will post and call me a dork or something.
To try and describe the millions of observations I have made in the past year would be an impossible task but at least now I think I will try more often to post and think out through my ideas when I have alone time. I think uncertainty has played a greater factor in my current lacking of a self-definition. I have gone hastily through some of my thought processes and have not been pleased with the outcomes. It took a meeting last week with a Chief officer at the embassy in Rome to realize that I know who I am and what I am capable of, I just have to stick with it and trust that it is going to work out. I will find a job when I get home, I’m not going to fret too long over here and not enjoy my time.
 have been fortunate, since I have been here in Florence, to have the opportunity to explore a lot of artistic ideas though I haven’t put many into practice. I just got a call from the hospital. Time to work. Catch up later.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Update from Italy


Hey everybody back home! Here is a quick update of my life for the month of June and the beginning of July...
I am back in Sesto Fiorentino this week and trying to catch up a little bit more on my summer sports knowledge. I saw Kobayashi lost in the July 4th hot dog eating contest. I followed Tiger Woods' crazy US Open. I see the Tigs are 50-50 and that they started tearing down Tiger Stadium. On this side of the pond I watched the epic Nedal - Federer battle and saw Spain take care of Italy and Germany for the European Cup.
In between all of this a new group of students have arrived, I have been to:
Rome. Where I saw Tom Hanks and Ron Howard filming Angels and Demons.
Padova. Where I saw my old roommates Sara, Johannes and Mede. I also saw my Michigan Men Marco, Marco, and Giuseppe. Hakim, Toolong... the list goes on. I also went to the study center where it was really nice to see the ladies that took care of us last year. I was only there less than 24 hours when I took off with Hakim for...
Bardolino. I got to see Giulia and her family and all of her friends again. It was a lot of fun but the same there I was only able to stay less than a day because I took off to...
Desenzano. Where I met up with Marco. He took me sailing with his dad and I participated in my first Regatta (We came in 7th. Of 8 I think.)
I made it home late to find myself locked out of the villa and had to sleep outside on a park bench where I got eaten alive by mosquitos. Good times.
That weekend the new students arrived as well. 58 students: 50 girls, 8 guys. 4 professors and 3 spouses, 3 children and 1 librarian. The villa is full now.
Since they have arrived we have made day trips to Siena, Le Cinque Terre, Lucca (Where we tandem biked around the city walls), and Pisa (see above).
Today I am going to head into Florence to buy tickets to go see Paul Simon up north in a couple weekends. I am really excited. This weekend I am off to Perugia and Assisi. In Perugia this weekend the Umbriajazz Festival will be going on so I am looking forward to that.
In other not-so-exciting news my job search has begun as I have some free time during the week. I have many different ideas of how I want to go about it but haven't really started hammering nails in just yet.
Well I should get my show on the road. Hope all is well, let me know what you are up to! I miss you all,
