Thursday, November 01, 2012

Movember Journey

Hi Friends,

For the month of Movember, I will be joining a couple coworkers on a gentlemen's journey to a respectable growth of hair on the upper lip and prostate cancer enlightenment. I anticipate a humbling experience.

First fact of the journey is brought to you by the National Cancer Institute:
1. By age 80, more than half of all men have some cancer in their prostate.

Shoot.  That's like betting your all your marbles (pun intended) on black at a roulette table with 00's.  I don't like my odds.

I like to think that my odds of growing a respectable mustache in a month are are a little bit better, though I am already dreading the extremely awkward first couple of weeks.  Thanks for joining me for the mustache ride.  Keep up with it here:

Here grows...

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