Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Thanks everyone!

0:05 CEST, 6:05 EST - Thank you everyone for visiting my site! I have had quite a few people tell me they like it so I guess I will keep on writing.
Today was another long day of classes, but me and Dave walked around and did some errands and then went to the gym. This is the third or fourth time I've been to the gym since I've been here and I honestly don't think I have been that many times since I've been to college, but it has felt real good. I think that I have lost a few pounds (or kilograms) since I got here, but I think I am starting to put it back on. We found a great little greasy place right down the street from us, "il Re di Kabob". We have eaten there pretty much every night. Yesterday our teacher told us that for the past 2 years someone has gotten sick from it. Dave and I are pressing our luck I think. They make a ton of different pizzas and they also make kabobs (just like meat and God knows what else is in those things). After I heard that I have only gotten the Pizza Margherita.
Other than that I found some laundry detergent, so I might attempt a laundry trip sometime this week, Dave was unsuccessful in his first attempt - a couple of shirts came out smaller than they should've. Fortunately now they are small enough that he will probably fit in with all the other guys here. Also, I talked to my friend Nora who is studying in Vienna and I think we might be able to meet up because she isn't far away at all! She might meet us in Munich the weekend before school starts. Should be a good time, it will be nice to see a familiar face.
Dave and I have managed to watch some Family Guy, and OH! I FORGOT! We were listening to the radio and we heard COUNTRY MUSIC! Rascal Flatts! Apparently there is an American military base near Venice so they broadcast their own radio station and we get it! Wait, strike that, I personally don't get it because my digital radio skips that station! It goes from 105.9 to 106.1 and the radio station is on 106.0. Stupid I know. I think I'll manage though. OK well it's getting late now I think I should go to bed and do some homework. Probably in that order. Gonna call sista-schrag, too. OK well thanks again everyone for coming to the site and keep on posting I wanna know what's new with you, too! How are the Tig's doin'? I was reppin' them hard today, I wore a Tiger shirt, jersey and hat and I wrote a poem about the D in Italian today. It was awesome. OK for real though, I'm going now. Ciao!
- Stevo


Anonymous said...


Watch out for the kabobs!!!

TIGERS WON TONIGHT 3-2!!! Walk-off homerun by Guillen in the bottom of the ninth. Very soggy night -- rained all day and night but they were able to get the game in. Tigers lead the Twins by 1.5 and the White Sox by 3 going into tonight. Twins were down in the 6th to Oakland in Minnesota while ChiSox are on the west coast versus Angels late tonight.

Glad to hear you are getting to the gym and some exercise. Also, great news that your Octoberfest trip is coming together -- I know that is one of the things you really wanted to experience.

I am starting to do some subbing -- 3rd grade tomorrow and 5th grade on Thursday. Hoping for a long term assignment along the way. JD is playing football -- 1st time for tackle. Megan is in volleyball and swimming. Aunt Patty is working hard as usual and balancing home and work.

Can you translate the Detroit poem and publish it!!

Keep us posted.


Uncle Bruin

Anonymous said...

Have you met any good looking Italian ladies yettttttttt?

Danny said...

I accidentally posted my comment on your last update/story thing. So here it is again:

Sounds like you're having fun! I'm writing a paper about you in Zolik's class-we'll see what kind of grade I get... I gotta get to soccer practice but I'll talk to you later!
P.S. Like the picture?