Wednesday, March 06, 2019

POEM: To my unborn child on the occasion of your shower



Constellatory lights guide the way from below
Traversing space and time

From your stretching universe you sing hello
With a thumbs up: "I'm fine!"

Take your time Little One!
Or hurry should you wish
Either is fine with us

Your light is already shining bright - filling our hearts with song!

Detached from the ground we dance for you, Little Bear, and all (y)our relations,
Team up -
We tune our celestial rythms to each other, channeling distant suns in a pattern with increasing clarity.

A-rythmic. Melodic.
Groovy and grounded.

Your presence brings with it a galaxy of hope, a black hole of time, and an infinite amount of life-giving debris.

There is nothing minor about you, Little Dipper, and your kicks are there to prove it
When the earth puts a mountain in front of your sky,
You have all the tools to move it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

God Rests in Reason

VALLEJO - Midnight Thirty

Well, your children will not be your children
Maybe the daughter, the son of a beginning
They'll come through your womb but not be coming from you
They will be with you but they do not belong to you

You can give them your love but not your thoughts
'Cause they'll arrive with their own hearts
They're the coming of angels this blessed season
And then they'll sing oh yea, god rests in reason
God rests in reason
So what should you do when god moves through
-Jason Mraz

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Dave Matthews (Reprise) and the Case for Attending Concerts Virtually


Most anyone that stumbles upon this blog will know that I have attended a few Dave Matthews Band shows in my day. Since I saw them perform at Comerica Park back in the early 00's I was hooked on the bands ability to translate wind, string, percussion and voice into an almost tangible groove that requires the listener to tap their feet.

Over the past several years life has got in the way and I haven't been able to attend every year like I used to. Occasionally I would put on a recorded version of a show on YouTube and play it in the background while working on something else. This was still enjoyable, but it never really managed to capture the full environment of a concert. That is until recently.

Last night the DMB YouTube channel aired a full concert to celebrate their new album (Come Tomorrow). I caught the tail end of it - enough to stoke the jam band fire of days past - and so after making dinner I decided to restart the concert right around the time a show in my timezone would start.  What a fantastic decision.

It's incredible with today's technology (I am using a 4k TV with the Chromecast Ultra) and the quality of the YouTube production... It brought me right to Philadelphia and front row to a fantastic show (Full disclosure: I lit some candles to give a little more depth - #wouldrecommend). Link here: 6.16.18

Quick review has me pumped to try and catch them when they come out this way at the end of summer:
The new songs are great additions to the sets (Away and Away, Samurai Cop, Come Tomorrow), while the old stuff (#41, LIOG) hits just as hard as it used to - especially now that it's infused with some new blood in Buddy Strong (that Shotgun riff in Stand Up was πŸ”₯).  Also, Jeff Coffin now feels like he has a full grasp of the weight of the songs and he brings an energy with the sax that would make LeRoi smile.

Watching it in the setting was just as enjoyable as many of the shows I have been too. The biggest thing missing is getting to know new people - something I have always enjoyed at DMB concerts.

[Sidenote: I see a path forward with the live-stream feed: While there were too many people to make any real connections in the general comment section, a chat room (like the old days in AOL) where you could spin off and have more topic-driven conversations would make it a little more personable. Plus you could connect with people all over the world that share your passion.]

Even waiting for the show to start and the encore breaks listening to the crowd screem for Halloween (lol) brought helped place me back in that familiar setting.

So DMB fans out there... Does it count that I saw this show now? Does seeing a show virtually qualify me to add it to my list? In all honesty, I watched this show more intently than a number of the previous shows I attended in person. True, I didn't have to deal with the traffic, but is that badge of honor necessary?

I think there is a strong case for it.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The United States according to a Sales Operations Manager

AlabamaSee Arkansas. (Roll Tide.)
AlaskaThat was uncomfortably easy...
ArizonaSunshine sounds nice
ArkansasWe don't do business here, do we? Oh we do? How?
ColoradoOK Fine we'll make this exception to our policies for you.
ConnecticutNew York Jr.
DelawareAren't we incorporated here?
FloridaI have this figured out thanks to Texas and California. I think. Wait, what?
GeorgiaHey guys... uhh... we do a lot of business here? Are we hiring?
HawaiiI think I need to visit to make sure everything is going right...
IdahoReasonable demands, but I don't want to. I should re-establish our tier system...
IllinoisIs that regulation REALLY necessary?
IndianaYeah we'll get to that in a sec, but first let's talk football
IowaIf you build it, they will come
KansasKansas City is not in Kansas. Wait, it is?
KentuckyHow are they paying for this?
LouisianaWe have a conference here next year, right? I've been told to get beignets.
MaineWhy don't we do business here?
MarylandWe have two, like, really big programs running here somehow.
MassachusettsWe don't need to talk - here's an email with what I need from you...
MichiganOh yeah, Michigan.  Keep on trucking.
MinnesotaLand of 10,000 small contracts
MississippiSee Arkansas.
MissouriPretty sure Kansas City is here.
MontanaWe have a statewide deal with them
Nebraska"Omahaww! Omahaww!" - Peyton Manning voice
NevadaI think we can push back our meet time to when the floor opens.
New HampshireNot Vermont. See.Maine.
New JerseyChicago Regulations, New York speed.
New Mexico"Let's open up a restaurant in Santa Fe." - Reminder: I pay too much in RENT.
New York"The Sales team needs you to come here and explain this to them..."
North Carolina This pace is nice. I think I could live in the South.
North DakotaIt's cold there. I don't think we have any business there.
OhioCalm down, Ohio.
OklahomaMilitary, Schools or Hospitals
PennsylvaniaI have not heard of the Poconos until I started this job
Rhode IslandWe have some business here randomly.
South CarolinaOur Salesperson promised them WHAT?
South DakotaSoNoDa.  (South of North Dakota)
TennesseeOstensibly this is different than Kentucky.
TexasSeriously? Did you just try to push that by me?
UtahDelta makes me stop here on my way to ________.
VermontThis one is shaped like a V. 
VirginiaThere are too many lawyers in DC -and in Virginia by proxy.
WashingtonAre we considering the PNW?
West VirginiaSee Kentucky and Tennessee.
WisconsinBadger. Badger. Badger. Badger. Badger.MUSHROOM.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Batter Up

A raincloud of doubt reigns o'er me from above

I wield my instrument as it was designed, swatting at too many ideas

Drops of brilliance and cloudiness shaped by years of unconscious filters

Each year a new rung on the tree of life.

Seeking harmony with the falling rain.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Earth Day March for Science ✌️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒŽ

APRIL 22, 2017 "EARTH 🌎 DAY" - This weekend I'll be joining scientists of all occupations for what is being dubbed the "March for Science".  As I did for the Women's March, I feel the need to explain why this is important enough for me to give up my Saturday and what I hope it accomplishes.

For starters, I'd like to make it very clear that I am not marching for any particular political party or group. I consider myself an independent thinker and I am marching on behalf of myself and my fellow humans.

Secondly, I am not technically a scientist, but I believe in science. Just as I am not a theologian, and believe in religion. With a little bit of effort, I have found those two concepts can exist simultaneously in my head and not be contradictory. I regret that I feel the need to make that distinction, but I want that stated.
Google defines "science" as:

"The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."

When scientists come to consensus on a subject, it represents what we know collectively to be true at this moment in time. On the subject of Climate Change, the scientific consensus is there: it is a real and active threat to the fate of our existence on this planet.

Ignoring this is convenient.  Accepting it, however, requires that we take action both personally and politically to remedy it. It also requires us to view Mother Nature as an active participant in our existence on this planet.

Never in the history of humanity have people been forced to collaborate so extensively so as to deliberately alter the fate of our host planet.  That is not to say we haven't accomplished feats of this magnitude before: landing on the moon, creating atomic energy, harnessing the power of the sun... all of those things have gone a long way to altering the fate of our existence.  They also share something important in common: American Scientists.

Americans have altered the fate of humanity in the past and will do so again.  We are not a people to gleefully back down from a challenge. However we must be convinced that one lies before us.

That is why I am marching: to assert that I acknowledge and value scientific agreement, and to show others that I am willing to do my part, whatever that may be, to advance human interests and life on this planet. I take my being a citizen of the world as seriously as my being a citizen of this country.


Monday, April 03, 2017

Poem: Which side am I on?

Which side am I on?
I do not know
Am I the friend, or despicable foe?

The fact that I need to ask
Makes me take myself to task.

And eternally echoed, the thought is spawned...

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Untitled: Self Assessment Musing

Self-assessment really sucks
It's here that I must count my fucks

The grading scale is too complex
To reach your entangled(?) desk

Despite relativity,
I'm still into me.