5:48 PM Padova - Hey all! This weekend marked the beginning of the Carnevale in Venezia (and all around the world really) which culminates in Martedi Grasso (Fat Tuesday) on the 20th. Angela Theis (Above: center) and her friend Mary Ann came and visited from Rome for the weekend. They arrived in Venice on Friday afternoon and Angela (Giga) and I went to meet them for dinner. We had a nice dinner on Friday and came back and drank some tea and talked with Christina that night.
Saturday we woke up rather early and went around to some of the sights that Padova had to offer and then Angela and Mary Ann took off for Verona. They said it was packed full of people (because it is San Valentino's week) and they didn't get a chance to go see Juliet's balcony however they enjoyed the city all the same.
Sunday Dave, Angela, Mary Ann, Christina and I took off in the morning for Venice for the official opening of Carnevale. The trains were packed - not even enough standing room and we talked with a family who had been standing the whole time since Bologna. WHEN we arrived at Venice the whole crowd worked its way to St. Mark's square to see an Angel come down and bless the city. We were not able to get there in time but we were able to see a lot of other festivities while we were there. The costumes were beautiful and the atmosphere was great. I can't wait to go back!!
Today, I have been studying all day. I have a test next Monday and I'd like to be confident enough to take it Friday because Saturday I want to go back to Carnevale with my roommates. Other than that life is good, and I am just trying to decide who won this point in Ping Pong.
I just talked with my mom, as most of you know Danny has been sick and in and out of school for about a month now. They went to see another doctor today who took more bloodwork. They seem to think its a viral infection similar to the mumps or Mono. Get well little bro!
Alright I am off to study and eat. Keep me posted with what's going on back home! Miss you guys!
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