2:59 Paduan time, 8:59 at HOME! – Hey all! Here is one more update from the air over Greenland. I’m about halfway through my trip, I still have about 4:30 hours to go and it’s -74 ℉ up here!
The past week has been full of paper writing for me… I had two due: The first I wrote about the architecture of the Doge’s Palace (Palazzo Ducale) in Venice. The second I wrote about Totalitarianism in Fascist Italy, exciting! I finally finished at 3 o’clock in the morning the day before I left and sent it out – I really don’t remember what day it was it was so darn long ago it feels like. Anyways I woke up shortly thereafter and made my way to the Venice airport with Catherine and Christina only to find our flight postponed. After a short 7 hour delay where they felt it necessary for us to re-check our baggage we made it to London where we ventured to the house of a friend of ours, Sajni, where she was waiting with homemade burritos and showers and beds. It was a really nice of her to put us up for the night – we felt like we were the Royalty, move over Harry.
Anyways we didn’t get much sleep again last night as were up and on our way to the London Heathrow airport by 5:30. We lucked out today as our flight was one of the few not cancelled due to the heavy fog covering the city – it was pretty nasty.
All in all this plane ride has been pretty uneventful, I have started several movies and gotten bored with every one of them. I just want to be home I can’t wait to see everyone. I don’t know if I will update this while I am home, but I can’t wait to see everyone this break and if I don’t get to: Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year!