Wednesday, March 06, 2019

POEM: To my unborn child on the occasion of your shower



Constellatory lights guide the way from below
Traversing space and time

From your stretching universe you sing hello
With a thumbs up: "I'm fine!"

Take your time Little One!
Or hurry should you wish
Either is fine with us

Your light is already shining bright - filling our hearts with song!

Detached from the ground we dance for you, Little Bear, and all (y)our relations,
Team up -
We tune our celestial rythms to each other, channeling distant suns in a pattern with increasing clarity.

A-rythmic. Melodic.
Groovy and grounded.

Your presence brings with it a galaxy of hope, a black hole of time, and an infinite amount of life-giving debris.

There is nothing minor about you, Little Dipper, and your kicks are there to prove it
When the earth puts a mountain in front of your sky,
You have all the tools to move it!