Every so often a worthwhile cause comes along that I feel is appropriate to share with you and ask for support. Please consider parting with a coffee and a beer this weekend in exchange for some good karma.
As a kid I remember deflecting fears of cancer by proclaiming proudly "I can never get cancer and even if I do, they'll have a cure for it when I'm older".
It was a silly thing to say and in my heart I knew that it was a tall order. It was hope, however, that hijacked my thoughts and made me utter those words. It was much easier than thinking about the alternative.
Years later I still want to believe it, and despite cynicism trying to override that hope, I see that progress has been (and will continue to be) made - thanks in large part to organizations like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
A few reasons why I am supporting the LLS and walking in their Light the Night event:
- Since my childhood (early 1990s) the survival rates of all ages and all types of leukemia have risen from 45% to 57%, thanks in large part to funding and awareness by the LLS.
- In all five blood cancers the LLS works with, the incidence rates are statistically higher in males than females
- My good friend April has worked for the LLS for some time and she works hard and speaks highly of it.
- I have family and friends who have been diagnosed with a blood cancer, It's scary and not fun. The LLS provides a ton of support materials for families going through a battle against blood cancer.
- Karma. It feels good to pay it forward.
Please consider donating to this group. It's as easy as clicking on that red "donate now" button to the right.
If you need any other reasons, give me a call I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you all, you all rock,