Monday, August 01, 2011

Check it

Saturday July 30, 12:50 PM - I-76 Pennsylvania

Hello world! I am writing from the car on my way home from Philadelphia, PA after picking up my brother from his Wharton Business School summer camp program.  Sounds pretty cool. My parents and I have been grilling him with questions about all the cool people he met and things he got to do. I'm pretty jealous but pretty proud of him, too.  He got a chance to meet some incredible people and even saw Larry Page (Google founder and UM undergrad)!

I am on my way home for a week - it should be a nice break from New York living for a little while, but it sounds like it is still going to be pretty crazy.   I'll get home late tonight, tomorrow we are having our fantasy football league season kickoff party, Tuesday I am off to South Haven to visit Sarah and her family and then Thursday I am heading up north to be with my mom's side of the family.  We are celebrating the life of my cousin Cooper who passed away this year after a fatal skiing accident.   Sad story, but we all know he would be happy with how he is being remembered.  Some of the guys in the family are growing a chin and 'soul patch' to imitate Cooper's style.  Should be fun and crazy.

So my last post was about the end of the world and what songs are appropriate to play for that.   Luckily the world didn't end, and since then I have had a chance to head down to New Orleans for a librarian conference there. It was a blast.  New Orleans is a really cool town and Bourbon Street is wild (I need not say more).  I really enjoyed the music culture they had down there though.  My favorite moment was probably when I went to lunch by myself close to the water:  I sat down outside and listened to a rhythm and blues band jam out while I ate an alligator po' boy and enjoyed the sunshine.  I would go back there again in a heartbeat.

Speaking of music, I am hoping to go see a concert or two this summer.  J Geils and his band (including Peter Wolf) are opening for BB King in New York. That might be fun to go to. I am planning on going to see the DMB Caravan as well.  I might try to go for all three days, we'll see.

Alright I am going to take over driving from pops for a while.  Until the next post,
