Friday, December 31, 2010

New York New Years

Hi friends and family!

Wishing you all a very happy New Years from the heart of New York City.

For video updates of my Times Square experience visit:

And for photos go here: 


Monday, December 20, 2010

A Midwesterner's Take on the Big Apple

1:24 AM - NEW YORK

Hello all!
I have about a half hour commute from work and today I made some observations about the New York City Rhythm.  They are in a somewhat logical order.  Hope you enjoy.

It’s fast. You knew that already.  But did you know it’s faster to take the stairs because you don’t have people stopping in front of you?  Keep on moving, baby.
Guilt is useless. Sorry Catholic upbringing, but being charitable to every person that asks you for money is just not smart.  And you just waste time if you dwell on it.
Whatever goes, goes.  If you can get away with it, do it.  When someone begins to care – then you need to worry.
Everything is planned out. From where you eat to how you get there. Your steps are (subconsciously) planned 7 in advance, and when you walk through Grand Central during rush hour it’s amazing how effortlessly you can navigate the tides of people.
There are so many people!  You knew that, too. But did you know you can’t phone a cab because there is probably one passing by already?
Doormen are necessary.  Who else would Lenny Briscoe or Ed Green talk to when you disappear? They might be the only ones who notice you missing.
There is always someone worse off than you.  It’s really nice to be reminded everyday that your life is really not bad at all.
There is always someone better off than you. This actually helps keep you in check and live inside of your means.  You aren’t Donald Trump, buddy.
Constant changes.  If you want something done, do it yourself, pay someone else to do it, or shut up about it.  Which brings me to…
Whining is not acceptable. No complaining.  No one wants to hear it.  You could be in a subway car full of people for 20 minutes and not hear a word because unless you have something worthwhile to say, no one wants to hear it. 
Street performers are generally pretty good.  If you are entertaining, you’ll make some money.  Just stay out of the way. And don’t ever say “I’m sorry to interrupt” because you aren’t.
Lots of stuff happens here.  Including movies.  It’s cool to hear street names and actually be able to place them in your head.

And last but not least...

God Bless America. And you.  I'm going to go watch an eclipse.