Monday, September 06, 2010

Driving Home With Pops

I-75 - 11:03 AM

Howdy, y'all,

Happy Labor Day. As the title states, I am on my way home from the Riverhouse with Poppa Schrags and we are jamming to the XM Prime Country. Big fan. Aaron Tippin just took us through the top twenty American workforce country songs and now George Strait is asking us to Check Yes or No.
I guess now is as good of a time as ever to recount a little bit of the summer, seeing as it is coming to a close.
I finished up tour with Sara Brown, hit our last couple of schools in the Greater Toronto Area and managed to make it home for the end of June and out to New York for the Fourth of July. Sarah Miller and I managed to do the town right that weekend: we saw a play, celebrated her birthday (and Canada Day) with her friends and coworkers, I got to see (and ice) Cody, watched Joey Chestnut eat whole bunch of hot dogs, rode a rickety old wooden roller coaster on Coney Island, sang at a piano bar with Jake and McVey, met some fellow Wolverines and watched the fireworks over the Hudson river before hopping a bus back to the land of maple syrup and honey.
The summer in Canada was spent mostly heading back and forth from the recently opened Leadership Centre. Had a great summer and met some great kids and even snuck back to Detroit once more for my grade school 10 year reunion. Great to see some old friends. Recently, Fell, Solomon, and Kelly came and visited for the Tigers-Jays series at the Rogers Centre. I should have pictures of that up soon.
The days in Toronto for me are coming to a close. I have decided not to stay on as a tour speaker for another year and am looking forward to spending a little more time in one of two places right now: Detroit and New York. As a song by Dave Matthews states "Turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters". And while I have met some lifelong friends in Toronto and throughout the world the past several years, it is nice to know that home is calling and it most certainly is in the U.S..
While the task of finding work right now seems very daunting, I am excited for the possibilities and feel good about my prospects.
Tonight I will be helping my Uncle Marty and Aunt Donna in the Lions club tent at the Arts, Beats, and Eats Festival in Royal Oak and then tomorrow is the big draft day for my brothers and my fantasy league. Any ideas on who I should take?
I'll be getting off soon to see my sister's new apartment, so I must be on my way.
If you happen to be around Toronto, Detroit or New York in the coming few weeks, be sure to get at me! Go Lions! Go Blue!