1:53 PM – DOVER, UK
Happy Sunday, world. I just got back from mass at St. Paul’s cathedral in Dover, Kent (UK). It was a lovely service with the average age being probably close to 67 (that’s including the several little ones). After mass, however, I was approached a young lady who asked if I was new to the parish and if I would like to join her and her husband for some tea and biscuits in the old schoolhouse. Having not much to do on this rainy Sunday I took her up on the offer and was treated to a lovely discussion of foreign travel, comic book heroes and family stories which would have made any day a little brighter. Nina, and her husband of 50+ years Norman, then told me of a great pub to frequent for lunch and a spot to do laundry. I am hoping to get to the castle as well - they told me that it is the oldest in all of England – and it looks across the channel towards France.
Well I must be on my way, Leah is waiting for me so we can get some laundry done. Much love from rainy Dover.